So, here are some photos! It's in a great location in Maple Grove, 3 bedrooms, 1600 square feet...nothing too big or fancy, but it's perfect for our little family! And as a bonus, we took Chad and Heidi over to see in on Sunday and there was a family out across the street with two little girls, and another one on the way (just like us!). Hopefully that'll be a lot of fun!

In other news, our 19 week ultrasound is tomorrow, but I guess it's not all that exciting because we're not going to find out the gender of the baby. Although, I am going to have the ultrasound tech write it down on a piece of paper, and then we'll immediately mail it to my friend, Traci Davies, who lives in Nashville. She really wants to know, and promised us a super cute gender-appropriate outfit after the baby is born. Oh, and she knows that if she tells me or anyone else what the contents of that envelope are, there will be serious repercussions. I'm threatening the health and well-being of her English Bulldog, Winston :-) I don't think I could ever make such an agreement with anyone who lived within a thousand miles of us.
Have a great month - because that'll probably be how long it is before I post again!