Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Mom and Dad's Colorado Getaway

Timber Lake in Rocky Mountain National Park.
It was a 10.6 mile hike there and back.
We're thankful that the grizzlies and
mountain lions spared our lives.
Garden of the Gods - Colorado Springs

At the top of Pike's Peak. Whew! We made it!
(actually, we took the train)
Maggie got a little loopy because of the lack of oxygen.

Joel and Maggie at the top, trying to avoid the lightening (no joke).
Is it just me or do we look like friends,
rather than husband/wife, in this picture?
Ewww...boys have cooties.

Joel's near-death experience at the top of Pike's Peak.
I just had to snap a quick photo before rescuing him.

1 comment:

WhiCheTa said...

Hey Maggie! I just love looking at your website and seeing pics of you guys. That first picture from Colorado is beatiful! Check out my website when you get a chance! www.whicheta.blogspot.com