Tuesday, November 13, 2007

I have a few pregnant friends who I thought would be encouraged by this blog entry that our good friend Dan Leman wrote almost two years ago! It was written to four women who were pregnant at the time:
Jen (his wife)
Erin (our mutual friend in Illinois)
Carissa (my sister-in-law)
and myself.

Our pregnancies all ended with the healthy and joyous births of Talitha, Andrew, Naomi and Marie. Carissa has since been pregnant and given birth to another healthy baby, Ada Mae Meehan, and Erin and I are both expecting again. Jen? Hehe.

Here's a little excerpt:
"To my pregnant friends, let me end by saying that I wrote this for you. Meditate on the fact that God didn’t randomly decide to stick you with pain and toil in childbearing as a payback for Eve eating the fruit in the garden. You suffer in order to learn how to hope. So I encourage you to rejoice in your suffering as you look toward the prize! Meditate on Romans 8:18-25."

To read it in its entirety, click on the following link. Thanks, Dan!

1 comment:

Dan Leman said...

Thanks for the compliment Maggie. Genesis 1-3 are still my favorite chapters in the Bible.