Monday, March 24, 2008
Sunday, March 23, 2008
This was the first weekend since #2's arrival that we've felt fully functional as a family. Joel had Good Friday off of work and we went on a picnic at the park. Marie's quite the little monkey climber these days, and it was fun to watch her play on some of the toys that she has never been able to before. On Saturday we went to the North Carolina Museum of Natural Sciences (basically a bunch of skeletons and taxidermied animals, with a few life fish/bugs and a sloth mixed in). Good stuff, though. And, unfortunately, Joel had to go to church by himself today since Marie's got a bit of a cold - again. Her 2 year molars are coming in so her hand has been in her mouth a lot lately. Combine that with shopping carts, museums and cold/flu season and you have a sick little girl. She's not too bad, though. We still had a wonderful Easter Sunday. Marie and I stayed home and watched The Passion for Kids, which I highly recommend. Very good. And then we colored her new Bible Story coloring book and talked about how Jesus died on the cross for us all and rose again to forgive us of our sins. She is very interested in Jesus and the Bible, which is exciting! And some friends from church brought us Easter dinner! Can't beat that.
Marie enjoying some potty time during Judith time.
The girls enjoying some play time.
EASTER EGG HUNT hosted by the Sargeant Family...
Marie, Melanie and Lucy posing for a quick photo. They had a blast!
The Sargeants
The Roberts (Many thanks to Barnes and Noble Story Time for providing us with wonderful friends like these families) :-)
The Meehan girls.
Baby wearin' mamas.
Bathtime. Renee's absolute favorite thing in the universe (so far).
THE MANY HAIRSTYLES OF RENEE HAZEL MEEHAN:We call this look (above) David Cook from American Idol.
Clean cut Renee.
Rocker chic Renee.
Porcupine Renee (This is what her hair normally looks like. It doesn't stay down.) Here she is with her good friend, Emily.
These were taken today. What a lucky gal I am.
Thursday, March 13, 2008
I decided to put my non-femininity aside and do something girly with her. She's very proud of her pink toenails.
Bath tub crayons. Yes, they make such a thing. They are surprisingly easy to clean up, too.
Here Marie is pointing out who she drew a picture of. That's Joel in the blue, me in the Red, Marie is green, Renee is yellow, and her friend Lucy is purple.
Playing a game Mommy invented called "Mr. Marshmallow Man". This is a huge hit. We draw different facial expressions, and change out the faces depending on what mood Mr. Marshamallow Man is in. And we have them kick another marshmallow around to play soccer.
First braid.
Baby pictures next time. I promise!