Tuesday, April 22, 2008


This is Marie saying "CHEESE!"

Playing in the back of the van.

Lucy has three tutus (maybe 4?) so it works out nicely when all the girls are over to play. They each get to wear a tutu and it's darling.

A Mom's got to entertain herself somehow. At least Renee looks slightly amused. I'm pretending to be a lion, in case there was any confusion.

Looking at a lizard in the drain pipe. He was trying to run up it and making quite a bit of noise. Then Katy poked him and he jumped on Marie's face and she started running around the front yard screaming. Well, no, that didn't really happen, but it would have been funny. Katy poked him and he scurried away. All the girls got a good look at him and had a good ole' time, even without the made-up lizard attack.

I just love this picture of mini-Joel...er...Marie. I think a 2 year old little girl is about the sweetest thing that God can give you. Well, maybe a well-rested, well-fed 2 year old little girl. A tired and hungry 2 year old little girl is an entirely different story.

Thanks for the photos Katy and Amy!


The Stricklers said...

What a creative mom you are! When did you guys get a van??


Jen said...

What are you doing on the Internet? Shouldn't you be feeding one of your four dependents or something?

You're an amazingly cool mom. I sit (lazily) in awe of your coolness. Keep up the great mommy-ing.


And another note. When are you going to try your hand at seriously writing?

Book Worm said...

Cute cute and cute! Man Momma! You all are too creative at home. I feel like an underachiever. Hm...note to self, less Noggin, more finger paint and pipe-cleaners. Maybe we'll try that on Thursday!

Dan Leman said...

I remember Joel with an S painted on his chest. (This was shortly after he died his hair orangish-blonde). The apple doesn't fall far from the tree.