Tuesday, August 19, 2008

Joel and Marie have a trip to Minnesota coming up soon - a fun Daddy/Daughter getaway. When Marie was a baby and Joel went out of town, I felt SO stressed out. It's funny how things have changed. I now consider being at home alone with Renee for 4 days verrrry relaxing.

Marie is trying to figure out how the world works, and saying some really funny things along the way. Sorry, I have to kind of give some context otherwise they won't make sense. There are some even funnier ones, but setting them up would take 10 years.

Yesterday we were talking about how Joseph was a carpenter, and taught Jesus his trade. I asked Marie, "Do you know what a carpenter does?" She responded,
"A carpenter cleans carpets!"

When Traci visited us last month we went for a walk around a pretty lake that our family frequents. On that walk, a truck was driving on the path toward us (it apparently had been doing some work at Apex Community Park). Marie has been obsessed with this truck that was driving on the path ever since. She thought it was funny because trucks don't belong on paths. Anyway, last night we went for a walk on that same path and Marie said to us,
"Where is the truck? Is there going to be a truck on the path? TRUUUUUCK! TRUUUCK (shouting for the truck to come)...TRUUUUUCK! I'm going to make it happen!"

And this morning she and a friend were watching Bambi. There's a scene where the owl is telling Thumper, Flower and Bambi about the birds and the bees. They blow him off saying that will never happen to them, and in the next scene they each meet their special lady friends. If you've ever seen it, it's pretty funny. The boy animals pass out, turn red and start acting really ridiculous when they meet the girls. When Bambi met his doe Marie said,
"Mommy, are they going on a date?"

Here's one of the girls playing together yesterday:


Book Worm said...

Oh too funny. Enjoy your 'break' momma! I hope all of you have some fun. :)

Book Worm said...

I like the new tunes too. :) Sorry to miss you gals this weekend.