Friday, October 17, 2008

21st Centurey Kids are the Coolest

Marie loves music, so naturally we got her her own iPod Shuffle. No, not really. But she does love listening to ours. Especially Mommy's non-roudy playlist. These headphones are great, too, and I love how it is clipped to her diaper (this was right before bedtime). I imagine we'll get lots of use out of them on the 3 days we'll spend in the car en route to Minnesota. And Daddy won't have to listen to Bullfrogs & Butterflies, The Music Machine and Adventures in Odyssey for three days straight.

Listening to a little Derek Webb. I promise we weren't letting her listen to "Wedding Dress". Although Mommy does love that song.

Another attempt at a live action Marie shot.

She just keeps getting cuter. Joel thinks the same about me.

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