Wednesday, February 11, 2009


Whew! The Minnesota Meehans have a lot going on right now! And I'm not talking about our little family of 4. Things are pretty low key around here (especially with the girls being sick on an off). Nope, Joel's three siblings have a LOT going on!

Tim & Carissa:
Expecting Baby #4, Put house on market last week, House sold in 2 days!, Found a new house last weekend, Moving mid-March to new house, Baby due in April. Whew. Makes me tired just to type it!

Heidi & Chad:
Expecting baby #1 in late August! She's going to make the cutest matron of honor in her best friend's wedding this June.

Dan & Kaylen:
Engaged as of Sunday! Probably getting hitched in late June or early July!

So, ya, there's a lot going on here in Minnesota. It seems like every time we talk to someone lately there's more exciting news! Highlights for our family over the past couple of weeks include: Joel enjoying the blessing of employment, Renee turning 1 on Feb 4 (she also can pull-up and is getting pretty good at sign language), all of us throwing up over the course of a week (not a highlight, but noteable nonetheless), Joel and Tim taking their eldest daughters to a Sweetheart Ball (photos below), finding a new church, Marie starting preschool 1 day/week.

On Valentine's Day this Saturday we're having a Triple Birthday Party for Marie, Renee and their cousin, Naomi, who all have February birthdays. My mom is coming up from Nebraska, which we're really looking forward to! She loathes cold weather, so hopefully it stays pretty mild for her visit.

Alright, enough yappin'. Here are the photos:

Joel and his mini-me.

She's almost 3!

It's exhausting being 1.

"I'm 1, Mom."

"Happy Birthday To You!" Even though we're having a family birthday party on Saturday, Marie insisted that we celebrate Renee's birthday on the 4th. She was so sweet and cute about it.

Cliche "baby stuffing her face with cake at 1st birthday" photo.

The girls.

Opening presents. Go Go Caterpillar is a big hit.

Marie had another new friend over last Friday. They played great together all day!

Tim & Joel took the girls to a Sweetheart Ball last weekend. On three: 1, 2, 3, "Awwwwwww...."

Marie and Naomi danced mostly with each other while their Daddies chaperoned.


Book Worm said...

YAY for new pics! Marie looks so big! We certainly miss you guys and wish the girls a very happy birthday for both! xoxoxo

Unknown said...

HEY! I got Emily the Go Go Caterpillar for her birthday, TOO! I can't believe that house sold in 2 days. I think I'm going to cry now. Marie and Renee are seriously getting too big & it's becoming more obvious that I haven't seen them in FOREVER. Enjoy the party on Saturday!!