We took a trip to the NC State Fair last weekend. Honestly, I am so over state fairs. They are such a filthy money-pit. People throw their trash everywhere, there are hastily assembled rides and a grotesque amount of calories consumed. But it was fun to take Lucy and Marie and let them see the animals and taste some of the food. Amy (Lucy's mom), who is 27 weeks pregnant did a pull-up! I had my weight guessed. I had my belly hidden behind a coat, and the man guessed 130. Boy was he surprised when I stepped on the scale! Lookout! Needless to say, we came home with a prize.
Marie is a real chatterbox these days. She can put 3-4 words together, and is starting to sing songs, count, learn letters and play lots of pretend. Today she was singing "twinkle twinkle little star" in the car, and I could decipher about 48% of the lyrics, and the melody was pretty good, too! She loves to sing, so I've started singing her hymns at bedtime. Amazing Grace is her favorite, so we pretty much sing that one every night, but I'm going to try to teach her a new one this evening. Any suggestions?
Ralph and Heidi will be here one week from today, which we're thrilled about. Marie knows who is coming when we ask her, and that they are flying on an airplane. They are going to help us move into our new place a week from tomorrow. It's a 3 bedroom townhome in Cary. We already have the keys and have started moving things over. We're making a few trips/week. It's so nice to have a van! Marie has started calling this place our "old house" and the new place our "new house". She'll notice things (like her Teddy and her potty chair) that are missing around the old house and say "Teddy/potty go new house".
This pregnancy has been amazing so far. We've got around 15 weeks left until Thumper is due. Some people are so shocked at how different their pregnancies are, but this one has been strikingly similar to Marie's - the only difference being that I was sick for a shorter amount of time. It was around 7-8 weeks with Marie, and only 2-3 weeks with this kiddo. I constantly craved applesauce with #1, but with #2 I've craved salad and Cheerios most fiercely. That's not to say that I'm eating healthy, by any stretch of the imagination!
In the next installation of the Meehan blog, I hope to post pictures of our move & Ralph/Heidi's visit, Marie's first trick-or-treating, and Joel's 1/2 MARATHON! He'll be running 13 miles for the fun of it on November 4th!

A meal of corn dogs and corn-on-the-cob

Scott and Lucy / Joel and Marie checking out the animals.
It's amazing to me that she knows what the names of the animals are after only having seen many of them in books (where chickens are the same size as cows).

Getting close to the cow pen.

Fine dining and ambiance at the State Fair.
Amy was there, too, she just took all of the photos so we don't get to see her pretty face and cute baby bump!

The daddies teaching the daughters all about animals.