Messy house / Tired toddler. This is what our house looks like pretty much every day at 1pm - right before naptime. Marie has taken all of the pillows off of the couches, we've made a cave out of chairs and blankets, and the contents of two toy boxes are on the living room floor. Awesome. It's especially bad on "No-TV Days." Marie would watch movies all day long if I let her. No playing = no messes! Not a bad plan!
You can't see the kitchen in this video, but we made pizza this morning, and while I was talking to Aunt Carissa on the phone Marie decided that she would "help" by stirring the dough mixture a little bit more. So the floor was covered in flour/yeast/sugar/salt. I walked in and she said, "I was just trying to help, Mommy." If she thinks I might be upset with her she either says, "I was just trying to help" or "I'm just a little girl."
Marie LOVES Renee. I'm so glad that my mom will be here next week to see them together at this age - because I don't know how long this complete love for her sister will last. Hopefully longer than I think. She's loves to pick out her outfits, fetch me burp cloths and diapers and try to discern what type of mood Renee is in (tired, hungry, fussy, happy). Usually she gets it right, which is the neat part. Today she pointed out to me that I need to do laundry because all of the burp cloths are dirty and Renee needs them if she spits up.
A couple of weeks ago we were eating lunch and Marie randomly prayed for another baby - a brother - and she asked that his name would be Graham (the boy name we had picked out during the last pregnancy). So cute. Sorry, we don't make XY babies.
Well, time to finish cleaning up tornado alley. Have a great weekend!
3 years ago
I'm laughing. XY babies? Sounds like some version of robot.
Hi Mags!
Bet you didn't know i still read your blog! I miss you on myspace! :) I love seeing your cute kiddos!! I need your updated email address. I think i may have an old one of yours. I sent you an email a while back to your meehans731 address... Did you get it? Is that outdated? I would love to catch up sometime! Hope all is well!
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