Monday, November 24, 2008

We're here and are waiting for the movers to bring our stuff. They are over an hour late and unreachable (not answering their phone). Awesome. But other than this slight annoyance, the trip went well and Marie only threw up in the car once :-) No, seriously, she did. The kids are staying with Grandma and Grandpa Meehan for a couple of days until we get all settled in.

We just ate lunch at Subway about an hour ago. This is an excerpt from Joel's and my conversation:

Maggie: "Is your sandwich abnormally cold?"
Joel: "Yes, I think the lettuce is frozen. Or maybe it's the tomatoes."
Maggie: "Ya, I think all of the vegetables are frozen. That's weird."
Joel: "Ya, I think everything is colder in Minnesota."
Maggie: "Ice is probably a condiment here."

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